Boise Home Painting employs professional, full-time painters. Once a job has been contracted, a start date is within a couple of weeks. We are able to accommodate most time frames, depending on the time of year. Our work is usually completed within the usual workweek, Monday through Friday. We cannot start a job without a signed contract & 10% deposit. The remaining balance is due upon completion.
Once Boise Home Painting works on your job, our crew will be there consecutive days until the job is done. Crew sizes and product drying times will determine how long your project takes to complete. However, we can complete most jobs in a few days, and smaller homes in just one day.
Really, weather has no affect because Boise Home Painting will only paint on days suitable for painting. Your job is fully warrantied and we will not do any painting during conditions that may jeopardize this warranty.
Here at Boise Home Painting, we pride ourselves on leaving your home the way it was when we arrived. Any paint debris or dust will be properly disposed of. For interior jobs, painters will make sure to do a complete cleanup of debris, ensuring that your home is left in the same condition it was when we arrived.
All products used by Boise Home Painting, are top of the line. We use Vista Paint, Kelly Moore and Sherwin Williams Premium Paint.
Boise Home Painting will send you an invoice detailing the remaining balance after the 10% deposit is made. Upon completion of the job, customers can pay with checks payable to Boise Home Painting or any major credit card. Once the office receives full payment, a completed invoice with a “zero” balance will be emailed to the email on file.
Boise Home Painting offers a 2 (Full Cabinet Job) or a 5 (Full Interior or Full Exterior) year guarantee for all painting supplied and used. Painting is subject to normal weathering and excludes natural disasters and other causes beyond our control, such as water seepage, trapped gases, and tannic acid. Caulking is a maintenance part of painting and is not part of the peeling and flaking guarantee offer.
Boise Home Painting is headquartered in Boise. We are the residential and commercial painting company for the Boise Area.
The reason Boise Home Painting does not give estimates over the phone is because we pride ourselves on quality and accuracy. Every home is unique, we need to be able to see the home firsthand to give you the most accurate price and relevant discounts.